Good morning, how is your Sunday going?
Today I would like to introduce you to a Catalan illustrator, we’ll also see an ad about tobacco, a picture of three paperboys, a red beautiful poster, a bright colored book about hair and a new zine of mine about a theft of plums!
Let’s welcome March!
✧ An illustrator : Lola Anglada ✧
Lola Anglada (1892 - 1984) was a Catalan illustrator, writer and comic artist born in Barcelona who started writing and illustrating her own stories at a very young age.
In 1905, when she was only 13 years old, one of her illustrations was published in the satirical weekly Cu-cut, and only four years later, her illustrations started to get published in En Patufet.
She collaborated with different children’s magazines like the already mentioned En Patufet, En Jordi, La Nuri (which she founded in 1925) or La Mainada.

Lola Anglada also published her own books with good reception by the public such as En Peret (1928), Margarida (1928), Monsenyor Llangardaix (1929) and Narcís (1930).
During the Spanish Civil War she joined the UGT, collaborated with the Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya and published a book written by her in the midst of war: El més petit de tots (1937).
El més petit de tots sought to inculcate republican (against monarchy) and antifascist values in children but at the same time highlighting the painful effects of war and the benefits of peace.
She is considered the last of the classical Catalan illustrators of the 20th century.
I love her illustrations, they remind me of some old books my grandparents had when I was little, I can’t remember which ones, though.
If you’re in Barcelona there’s a small exhibit of her children’s books at Biblioteca Sofia Barat, it says it’s until March, but I couldn’t find which day it ends…
✧ An ad: Gitanes ✧
✧ A photo: Newsboys ✧
This picture has always made me think, like a lot of Lewis Hine’s work. It’s a striking shot for sure.
✧ A poster: Nouvelle-Calédonie ✧
✧ A book: Straight Hair, Curly Hair ✧
I've made a new fanzine, it's called El Lladre de Prunes (The Plum Thief) and it's a mini-mystery game about a plum theft on a summer night.
It's a mixture of a comic and board game and it comes with a map and stickers of suspects and evidence found in the surroundings.
It's been a blast and also a puzzle to try to make everything click!
I like making fanzines because I get to experiment a lot and get pretty crazy.
When I was a kid I loved books that came with hidden messages for the reader to decipher and made me feel like I was the detective. I've always wanted to illustrate one of these, so while I wait, I've created this one.
Find it today at GRAF! And tomorrow (probably next week when I’ve recovered :^P ) in my shop. It’s in Catalan but I can provide a translation :)
Some more things I’ve enjoyed lately:
✸ Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - I found this game on sale and I just had to get it because it said that it has Ghibli animations and music by Joe Hisaishi. And I am loving it so far! I’m an occasional videogame player and I usually am more inclined towards indie games, but this is definitely being a very enjoyable play!
That would be all for today, I hope you liked these snippets and hopefully found some new artists to get inspired by! :)
See you next month with more!
✧ The links ✧
✦ El més petit de tots (book) - Libros del Zorro Rojo
✦ Lola Anglada - Sapiens (Catalan)
✦ Lola Anglada - Blogspot (Catalan)
✦ Exposició Lola Anglada - Ajuntament de Barcelona (Catalan)
✦ Lola Anglada - Real Academia de la Historia (Spanish)
✦ La Literatura infantil i juvenil fins a 1931 - xtec (Catalan)
✦ Straight Hair Curly Hair - My Retro Reads